Tuesday, 22 January 2008

sarah green suspended for this

This is unfair dismissal how ever you look at it. She did nothing illegal and was only using the media's obsession with sex to make some money. the parents who find this video offensive should be wondering why their kids were watching it. and if it is so bad why isn't it rated on youtube?

what do you think?

Friday, 18 January 2008

Gordon Ramsey cookalong live

for once it's not gordon swearing all the time. Anyway I wanted to talk about the naturists on the show. What were they thinking, they are just allowing the media to perpetrate the prejudisms people have of naturists, they are not helping our cause. I mean the reaction the woman got, what was she expecting?

Shame on her, she really should have thought this through better. I mean for a start it's mid winter, naturists wear clothes in winter!

Tuesday, 15 January 2008

the joel george and wayne show

Lol as they say tomorrow never comes? how come alexa rating of this page is 12!

These two fighting is so funny, they are so serious and neither wants to give in!

Right I need a good 3gp to avi converter until then you can see this video of wayne after losing a game on new years eve, he had to run around the block in the snow!